Thursday, September 25, 2008


The viral marketing department found a prospective customer for my potatoes, even though I didn't ask them to.  So I had to come up with a price.  The Natural Farms online catalog had organic potatoes for $0.80 to $1.30 a pound, delivered, so I set the higher price for the hand-sorted ones and the lower price for the "use me first" seconds.

The total amount of time I spent on potatoes over the season was probably about 120 hours for which I got 600 pounds.  That is 0.2 hours per pound.  If I could charge Natural Farms delivered prices at my garden gate, I would thus be working for $4.00 to $6.50 an hour.  Doesn't sound so great but I think not bad for a first try and considering I did almost everything by hand.  

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